Haha, Billy som begynner editen med å gjøre kickflip rostbeef doubblegrab. HEAVY! Til å bli EID DELUX I FJESET av å se Rick Astley med "NEver gonna give you up" med andre ord Rick Roll'd!
Hva er Rick ROll? Wikipeimat forklarer=
Rickrolling is an Internet meme typically involving the music video for the 1987 Rick Astley song "Never Gonna Give You Up". The meme is a bait and switch: a person provides a web link that they claim is relevant to the topic at hand, but the link actually takes the user to the Astley video. The URL can be masked or obfuscated in some manner so that the user cannot determine the true destination of the link without clicking. When a person clicks on the link and is led to the web page, he or she is said to have been "Rickrolled".
The Berrics mhm.Etter det så har Rick Astley sin musikkvideo blitt sett 39millioner ganger etter folk har Rick Roll'd hverandre.
Men Mad Mat gjengen fant hele videoen av Billy Marks,
på Toy Machine sine hjemme sider her.